The ASP Distinctive Duty Belt is designed to provide strength and size needed to support the tactical equipment like guns, flashlights, radios, and batons. It is the perfect symbol of proven performance and uncompromising quality. It creates a professional look in the training sessions as it features solid brass die struck ASP logo. This distinctive duty belt is available in multiple sizes with different emblems of Eagle and Eagle certified.
ASP Distinctive Eagle Certified duty belts present a professional image in the training environment. Belts are available in various sizes and emblems of Eagle and Eagle Certified.
Available Belt Sizes and Configurations
- 09831 ASP Eagle Belt Small
- 09832 ASP Eagle Belt Medium
- 09833 ASP Eagle Belt Large
- 09834 ASP Eagle Belt X-Large
- 09840 ASP Eagle Belt XX-Large
ASP-09831, ASP09831, ASP 09831, 09831, ASP-09832, ASP09832, ASP 09832, 09832, ASP-09833, ASP09833, ASP 09833, 09833, ASP-09834, ASP09834, ASP 09834, 09834, ASP-09840, ASP09840, ASP 09840, 09840