Ruger Red Training Handguns from ASP are very realistic replicas, that are lightweight by design. Constructed as training weapons in the area of retention, disarming, room clearance, sudden assaults, Firearm basic safety training and more.
The Ruger Trainer has a solid molded-in distinctive red color that prevents the weapon from being mistaken for a real gun by the public or during classes. The weight of the Red Ruger simulator / replica is less than that of actual firearms. As a result, injury to officers during training is minimized. These mock weapons are safe when used on gym floors. Also they will not corrode and are forgiving on the surface of your bare hand as well as the gym floor. Put one of these in your training classes as they work to fit your duty belts and in most of the common holsters. Some of the ASP Red Gun can utilize their rails to attach your favorite gun accessories.
Add your Agency or Company Name to your Training Gun with ASP Laser Engraving.
Please Check out our Complete Line of Training Guns
ASP-07350, ASP07350, 07350