The EMI Triage ID Bands comes in a 4 packs of 8 bands(32 bands total), size adult or child. These bands are intended as a part of the Vital signs triage holster set, and adds a unique feature to it. The ID bands are color coordinated, each one of the 4 packs features 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 red and 2 black bands.
Available Option:
692 Triage ID Bands, Adult 4 X (8 PACK ADULT) => (8 GR; 8 YLW; 8 RD; 8 BLK)
694 Triage ID Bands, Child 4 X (8 PACK child)=> (8 GR; 8 YLW; 8 RD; 8 BLK)EMI-692X, EMI692X, 692X, EMI-692, EMI692, 692, EMI-694, EMI694, 694