Simulaids Forceps/Vacuum Delivery OB Manikin with Soft Carry Case
The Simulaids 1377 Forceps/Vacuum Delivery OB Manikin with Soft Carry Case is designed to learn and practice in Advanced Life Support Obstetrics (ALSO) programs. This manikin includes all life-like and accurate anatomical features as in the Simulaids Obstetrical Manikin, plus additional features of full-term and premature fetuses. The two baby fetuses manikins are air-filled, but can be filled with water to provide a more realistic weight distribution. It is advisable to inflate these baby manikins with air for storage, and drain out water every seven days to resist microbial growth inside.
The Simulaids forceps/vacuum delivery OB manikin features soft, vinyl pelvis construction that aid replicating the resistance encountered in a forceps or vacuum intervention delivery. It offers a removable , and optional, abdominal overlay. However, it is different from those that provided with the Simulaids Obstetrical Manikin, but interchangeable. It is delivered with one removable modular pregnant belly overlay, simulated blood powder, spare vulva, and a soft carry bag. The forceps and vacuum extractor are not included with this. This obstetrics manikin is available in African/American skin textures to aid the training and learning process.
- Disposable umbilicial cords with clamps
- Easily replaceable extra vulva
- Powder to make simulated blood
- A modular pregnent belly overlay
- A removable abdominal overlay
- Size: 21" x 13" x 17"
- Shipping Weight: 15 lbs.
- Forceps & Vacuum Extractor not included
Available Option:
- SIM-110-1377: Forceps/Vacuum Delivery OB Manikin
- SIM-110-1377B: Forceps/Vacuum Delivery African-American OB Manikin
110-1377UX, SIM 110 1377UX, SIM 110-1377UX, SIM1101377UX, SIM-110 1377UX, SIM-1101377UX, 110 1377UX, 1101377UX, SIM-1377UX, 1377UX, SIM1377UX, SIM 1377UX, SIM-110-1377UX, 110-1377U, SIM 110 1377U, SIM 110-1377U, SIM1101377U, SIM-110 1377U, SIM-1101377U, 110 1377U, 1101377U, SIM-1377U, 1377U, SIM1377U, SIM 1377U, SIM-110-1377U, 110-1377BU, SIM 110 1377BU, SIM 110-1377BU, SIM1101377BU, SIM-110 1377BU, SIM-1101377BU, 110 1377BU, 1101377BU, SIM-1377BU, 1377BU, SIM1377BU, SIM 1377BU, SIM-110-1377BU, SIM-110-1377, SIM 110-1377, SIM-110 1377, SIM110-1377, SIM-1101377, 110 1377, 1101377, 110-1377, SIM 110 1377, SIM1101377, 1377, 110-1377B, SIM 110 1377B, SIM 110-1377B, SIM1101377B, SIM-110 1377B, SIM-1101377B, 110 1377B, 1101377B, SIM-1377B, 1377B, SIM1377B, SIM 1377B, SIM-110-1377B