MK-9 Inert OC Takedown
The MK-9 Mace Inert OC Takedown (10 Units) is one of the prime range of personal defense sprays that has been doing well in the market for the past 40 years. It is a high quality product that is perfect for law enforcement training with quality personal defense and crowd control. It is available in all spray patterns for demonstration and training purposes. There is a top cover that protects it the user from its accidental discharge. The MK-9 Mace Inert OC Takedown is extremely easy to use and can discharge under any condition.
Available Options:
- 9990 Stream
- 9991 Foam
- 9992 Fogger
- 9993 Gel
Sold in cases of 8 Units
MSI-9990, MSI9990, MSI 9990, MSI-9991, MSI9991, MSI 9991, MSI-9992, MSI9992, MSI 9992, MSI-9993, MSI9993, MSI 9993, 9990, 9991, 9992, 9993