Rigging System Slings manufactured by RescueTech
Rigging System Slings manufactured by RescueTech is allows rescuers to extend a Z-rig past the lowing device witout having to tie a "green" sling. Available in a 16" Dogbone style and a Super Heavy Duty 2'
Basket: 15,760 lbf
Choker: 7,240 lbf
End-to-End: 8,660 lbf
Color: Yellow
Available Options:
753106: Super Duty Rigging System Sling
- Strength: 16,000 lbf.
- WLL: 1600 lbs.
- Length: 24"
- Triple-Layer Stitch Pattern
- 2" Super-Duty Webbing with Cut indicator
753106, RT753106