Simulaids 082 Intubation Head
The Simulaids 082 Advanced Life Support (ALS) Intubation Head is designed for use with the adult ALS trainers for training of advanced airway management procedures and skills. The intubation head features oral and nasal airways, and allows for anatomy knowledge and recognition, nasotracheal intubation, endotracheal intubation, along with securing, suctioning and maintenance of the installation. It allows usage of field emergency airway adjunct tubes like LMAs, Combitube, EOA, EGTA, and PTL. The intubation head features teeth, uvula, vocal cords, glottis, larynx, arytenoid cartilage, trachea, esophagus, and inflatable lungs and stomach.
- Oral and Nasal Airways
- Emergency Airway Adjunct Tubes
- Inflatable Lungs and Stomach
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