Simulaids 612 Arm Vein Replacement Geriatric Arm
The Replacement Arm Veins for use with the geriatric IV arm contains latex veins, which promote the "pop" feel and offers self-sealing properties. They feature lifelike roll-over and are highly durable for repeated use.
140-612U, SIM 140 612U, SIM 140-612U, SIM140612U, SIM-140 612U, SIM-140612U, 140 612U, 140612U, SIM-612U, 612U, SIM612U, SIM 612U, SIM-140-612U, 140-612, SIM 140 612, SIM 140-612, SIM140612, SIM-140 612, SIM-140612, 140 612, 140612, SIM-612, 612, SIM612, SIM 612, SIM-140-612