Simulaids 1381 IV Trauma/CPR Manikin Arm Replacement Skin
The Simulaids 1381 IV Trauma/CPR Manikin Arm Replacement Skin is crafted with soft vinyl-material for a range of Advanced Life Support manikins. Manufactured in USA, this skin is replaceable, and provides a realistic look and feel for the manikin arm.
150-1381U, SIM 150 1381U, SIM 150-1381U, SIM1501381U, SIM-150 1381U, SIM-1501381U, 150 1381U, 1501381U, SIM-1381U, 1381U, SIM1381U, SIM 1381U, SIM-150-1381U, 150-1381, SIM 150 1381, SIM 150-1381, SIM1501381, SIM-150 1381, SIM-1501381, 150 1381, 1501381, SIM-1381, 1381, SIM1381, SIM 1381, SIM-150-1381