Pediatric ALS Trainer Complete with Arrhythmia Simulator
The Simulaids 091 Pediatric ALS Trainer Complete with Arrhythmia Simulator is a realistic, affordable infant simulator that aid students and practitioners for training in life saving skills such as including 4-lead monitoring, intubation, IV therapy, Intraosseous insertion and many others. The trainer model features bag valve mask ventilation, intubation head, oral or nasal intubation and Sellick's Maneuver. It accepts NG tube and has four lead monitoring, brachial pulse, external chest compressions, jaw thrust, IV sites in hand and arm, and two I/O legs. It also includes scalp vein for palpation, cranial sutures, and fontanels. It is provided with an ECG rhythm generator for arrhythmia recognition training. The unit comes in a soft carry bag.
Kit Includes:
- 4 Lead Monitoring
- Oral or Nasal Intubation
- ECG Rhythm Generator
- Carry Bag
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