Simulaids 1805 Pneumothorax 2-Piece Pleural Cavity
The Simulaids 1805 Pneumothorax 2-Piece Pleural Cavity is crafted for use with Simuliads tension pneumothorax simulator training model. Manufactured in USA, this replacement dual pleural chamber is reversible, and allows for double usage of both the original and replacement pleural cavities. Each side of the cavity can be punctured multiple times before replacement becomes necessary.
150-1805U, SIM 150 1805U, SIM 150-1805U, SIM1501805U, SIM-150 1805U, SIM-1501805U, 150 1805U, 1501805U, SIM-1805U, 1805U, SIM1805U, SIM 1805U, SIM-150-1805U, 150-1805, SIM 150 1805, SIM 150-1805, SIM1501805, SIM-150 1805, SIM-1501805, 150 1805, 1501805, SIM-1805, 1805, SIM1805, SIM 1805, SIM-150-1805