Simulaids 1804 Pneumothorax Foot Pump Assembly
The Simulaids 1804 Pneumothorax Foot Pump Assembly is designed and developed for use with the pneumothorax simulator. It is delivered with the tension pneumothorax simulator unit, and is replaceable. It offers assistance in teaching procedures to relieve tension pneumothorax and various other clinical purposes. It works to untrap the air between the lung and the chest wall, which may at times causes breathing difficulty.
150-1804U, SIM 150 1804U, SIM 150-1804U, SIM1501804U, SIM-150 1804U, SIM-1501804U, 150 1804U, 1501804U, SIM-1804U, 1804U, SIM1804U, SIM 1804U, SIM-150-1804U, 150-1804, SIM 150 1804, SIM 150-1804, SIM1501804, SIM-150 1804, SIM-1501804, 150 1804, 1501804, SIM-1804, 1804, SIM1804, SIM 1804, SIM-150-1804