Simulaids Stoma 651/652
The Simulaids Stoma 651/652 is the representation of the stoma, an opening that is surgically created on the abdomen to divert the flow of urine and faeces. This stoma is made using durable materials, allowing it to be used several times. It can be used by the medical practitioners to get themselves acquainted with the surgical procedure that is required for the stoma. The demonstration method reduces the chances of error while performing the surgery in a real-life situation.
This is economical method for training and practicing the skills required for the stoma. This is an economical method of training that enhances the training giving a realistic scenario to the trainees. It is very easy to use on a manikin.
Available Options:
- 800-651: Child Colostomy
- 800-652: Adult Stoma
800-651UX, SIM 800 651UX, SIM 800-651UX, SIM800651UX, SIM-800 651UX, SIM-800651UX, 800 651UX, 800651UX, SIM-651UX, 651UX, SIM651UX, SIM 651UX, SIM-800-651UX, 800-651U, SIM 800 651U, SIM 800-651U, SIM800651U, SIM-800 651U, SIM-800651U, 800 651U, 800651U, SIM-651U, 651U, SIM651U, SIM 651U, SIM-800-651U, 800-651, SIM 800 651, SIM 800-651, SIM800651, SIM-800 651, SIM-800651, 800 651, 800651, SIM-651, 651, SIM651, SIM 651, SIM-800-651, 800-652U, SIM 800 652U, SIM 800-652U, SIM800652U, SIM-800 652U, SIM-800652U, 800 652U, 800652U, SIM-652U, 652U, SIM652U, SIM 652U, SIM-800-652U, 800-652, SIM 800 652, SIM 800-652, SIM800652, SIM-800 652, SIM-800652, 800 652, 800652, SIM-652, 652, SIM652, SIM 652, SIM-800-652