The EMI Tacmed Response Kit is suitable for meeting first response emergencies. It specifically handles tactical/medical emergencies with all the handy equipment that are contained in the kit. The EMI’s Pro Response Bag provides storage for all the tools and apparatus required by a tactical responder. The bag measures 17” length, 7” width, and 10” depth.
It include 3” and 4” sterile conforming bandages, 3” x 9” Vaseline gauze, burn/blood stopper bandage, tactical trauma dressing, 4”x 4” sterile pads, 5” x 9” abdominal pads, Krinkle gauze rolls, multi trauma dressing, and 1” adhesive tape. One eye wash (4 oz.), 20 antimicrobial hand wipes, six nitrile gloves, four instant ice packs, one lifesaver CPR mask, and one disposable airway kit. Other tactical equipment include one rescuer knife, dual head stethoscope, penlight black, and adult nylon blood pressure cuff. The bags included in the kit can be bought in three colors, olive drab, desert sand, and black.
Bandages and Dressings: |
Ems Tactical Equipment: |
- 1-3" Sterile Conforming Bandages
- 2-4" Sterile Conforming Bandages
- 1 - Adult Nylon Blood Pressure Cuff
- 1 - Dual Head Stethoscope
- 4 - 5" x 9" Abdominal Pads
- 2 - Multi Trauma Dressings
- 1 - 5 1/2" Bandage Scissors (Bk)
- 1 - 5 1/2" Straight Kelly Forceps (Bk)
- 1- Tactical Trauma Dressing
- 1 - 4 1/2" Splinter Forceps (Bk)
- 2 - Burn/Blood Stopper Bandage
- 1 - 6 "Green Glow 12 Hr Lightstick
- 1 - 6" Yellow Glow 12 Hr Lightstick
Ems Tatical Supplies: |
Airway Management: |
- 4 - Instant Ice Packs (5"x9")
- 20 - Antimicrobial Hand Wipes
- 1 - Disposable Airway Kit
- 1 - Quick Clot 25g sponge
Available Option:
9120 - Tacmed Response Kit, Black
9122 - Tacmed Response Kit, Olive Drab
9124 - Tacmed Response Kit, Desert SandEMI-9120X, EMI9120X, 9120X, EMI-9120, EMI9120, 9120, EMI-9122, EMI9122, 9122, EMI-9124, EMI9124, 9124