Touch Signature 2000 (10pk)
Lowest cost per fingerprint! This fingerprint pad features a larger usable surface area than any pad in its class. Its rectanglar surface provides ample space for flat and rolled prints. The TS-2000's hard porous surface will not dry out during the life of the pad and facilitates even ink transfer. The lid lies completely away from the base for easy access and can be removed for theft deterrence. With the TS-2000, ridgeline prints are consistently clear on any paper stock. The prints dry instantly and do not smear. Prints from this pad are of optimal quality and can be scanned. Additionally, the ink utilizes non-toxic pharmaceutical grade chemicals.
- Capacity per pad: 1000 prints
- Size: 1.75" x 2.25"
ID-TS2000-10, ID TS2000-10, TS2000-10, TS2000 10, TS200010