Flex CUFF Disposable Restraints Handcuffs. With extraordinary strength-in excess of 300 pounds. The Strength Barb System contained within the Spare CUF head makes it virtually pick-proof. In addition, it is fabricated from materials specifically designed to prevent injuries.
Nylon construction offers dimensional stability as well as flexibility. And a smooth inside surface, combined with rounded edges, minimizes the chance of abrasion or tissue damage.
Individual restraints provide maximum containment of the wrist, arm, leg or ankle.
Multiple configurations make Spare-CUF the most versatile restraint available and reduces the risk of escape.
Dual subjects may be grouped together for greater officer safety when working alone or in riot/civil disorder situations.
8210-3-10B, One Package of 100 Flex Cuffs White Ties = 100 Ties
8210-1-10B Bulk Package 1000 White Flex Cuffs ties
8210-1-2B Bulk Package 1000 BLACK Flex Cuffs ties
NIK-5010-X, NIK 5010-X., NIK5010-X, 5010-X