Simulaids 4th Degree Chemical Burn Hand 605
The Simulaids 4th Degree Chemical Burn Hand 605 allows for a cost-effective method for a realistic training on treating complicated burn wounds. Fourth degree burn is extremely severe penetrating to the bones and the muscles, doing a lot more damage to the hand than other burns. The challenge of treating this type of burn is also big. Hence, it is very important for the trainers to train the students in a realistic environment.
It looks just like the real burn hand allowing the trainers to learn about the wound, how it looks and, the correct procedure of treating it. It is very economical as it can last for long time and can be reused too.
Available Options:
- SIM-800-605: Right Hand 4th Degree Chemical Burn
- SIM-800-606: Dorsal Hand 4th Degree Chemical Burn
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