Simulaids 604 Half Face Chemical Burn
The Simulaids 604 Half Face Chemical Burn can be used on the face of any manikin to replicate chemical burn injury. It looks just like a real wound made from chemical burn. Hence, with the help of this, the trainers can demonstrate the complications that they could face while treating the injury. This helps to make training more realistic allowing the trainee to understand the wound and then learn the accurate measures that should be taken by them.
It's looks like a real injury and can be reused. It is made from durable material that allows this wound to resist any wear or tear. With the help of this burn, it becomes easy for the practitioners to practice and perfect the skills.
800-604U, SIM 800 604U, SIM 800-604U, SIM800604U, SIM-800 604U, SIM-800604U, 800 604U, 800604U, SIM-604U, 604U, SIM604U, SIM 604U, SIM-800-604U, 800-604, SIM 800 604, SIM 800-604, SIM800604, SIM-800 604, SIM-800604, 800 604, 800604, SIM-604, 604, SIM604, SIM 604, SIM-800-604