Simulaids 8th-10th Day SmallPox Moulage
The Simulaids 8th-10th Day Smallpox Moulage is a representational face mask that offers the trainers with an opportunity to demonstrate their students the condition of 8th to 10th Day smallpox. This mask helps the trainees to get a realistic training on the treatment of the small pox. With the help of this mask, they can understand the complexities related to it and the nature of the spots.
This replicates represent the spots that are visible between the 8th and 10th day of the small pox. The use of durable skin-like material with a real replication of the spots gives a realistic feel for the students. It presents an engaging way of learning.
800-628U, SIM 800 628U, SIM 800-628U, SIM800628U, SIM-800 628U, SIM-800628U, 800 628U, 800628U, SIM-628U, 628U, SIM628U, SIM 628U, SIM-800-628U, 800-628, SIM 800 628, SIM 800-628, SIM800628, SIM-800 628, SIM-800628, 800 628, 800628, SIM-628, 628, SIM628, SIM 628, SIM-800-628